
The Wild Hunter

Der Wilde JägerTwo noble persons, Graf Hordorf and Graf Hackelberndt von der Treseburg, comrods and friends during the 30-year-war, decide to start a new life after the end of war. Graf Horndorf made a career as abbot of the Walkenried cloiser, however Graf Hackelberndt follows his old hobby and becomes a hunter. As he is hunting furiously every day, the abbot, now called Paulus, warns him to avoid hunting on Sundays and holidays as this action disturbs peace and prayer. The hunter, being not aware who abbot Paulus was before, does not take care his warning and finally hunts a deer on Good Friday in the cloiser forest. Suddenly, the cloister bells start to ring so the deer can escape. Graf Hackelberndt is so angry that he shoots a crucifx from the cloister roof. The abbot cursed him from now for this mistake, Der Wilde Jägerhe should not find any peace until he stops hunting. One day, as he is hunting again in the southern Harz area, Graf Hackelberndt was injured deadly by a strong hit of a boar and carried to the cloister hospital. At his moment, the abbot and the hunter, friends in history, realize each other again. Abbot Paulus is now trying to convince his old comrod to do buses for his wild hunting, but Hackelbernd does not want to realize his mistake and will not give an inch. So he remains to be cursed not to find any peace and to be a "wild hunter" riding up- and downhills forever.
